Wishing Hank “The Bible Answer Man” Hanegraaff God Speed As He Leaves Evangelicalism for the Orthodox Church
By Steve on June 20, 2017
When I heard the news that Evangelical stalwart and Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraaff had converted to Eastern Orthodoxy I nearly fell out of my chair. Literally… I mean, the minute I first saw the headline…
5 Reasons American Evangelicals Are Going To Vote For Trump Again
By Steve on June 14, 2017
In November 2016 Donald Trump defied the predictions of pundits and pollsters alike to become the 45th President of the United States. Evangelical Christians were largely responsible for this upset with the 81% support they…
Episode 041: Rethinking Church Pt. 1 with Steve Barker
By Steve on March 5, 2017
Show Notes Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured Music: New Rose The Damned Hi Pilgrim, Steve Barker was a occupational therapist turned full time Christian minister, and now a full time OT again having journeyed out of the…
You Call Yourself A Christian But What Do Others Call You?
By Steve on February 1, 2017
Is it just me or is the term Christian prefixed with a lot of adjectives these days? In the last few months I have been told that certain people are or claim to be a: Good…
Episode 036: We Have No King But Caesar with Adam Benner
By Steve on January 15, 2017
Show Notes Intro music Ventura Tyler Bates Featured music Jesus Christ Superstar (UK 1996 recording) Adam Benner’s blog article No King But Caesar Hi Pilgrim, I continue my chat with former…
Episode 035: Confessions of a Former Evangelical Missionary with Adam Benner
By Steve on January 2, 2017
Show Notes Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured Music: Missionary Man Eurythmics Adam Benner’s Blog Beyond the Pale response to Tim Keller’s N.Y. Times article Hi Pilgrim, This week’s episode is with Adam Benner…
Tim Keller’s N.Y. Times Interview Reveals American Evangelical’s Problem In A Single Sentence
By Steve on December 27, 2016
A recent New York Times article making its way around my social media feeds highlights in a single sentence what is fundamentally deficient in American Evangelicalism. In the article Times writer Nicholas Kristof asks prominent…
Episode 032: Election 2016- It’s (NOT) The End Of The World As We Know It
By Steve on November 19, 2016
Show Notes Intro Music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured Music: It’s the End of the World as We Know It REM Sympathy For the Devil The Rolling Stones What a Wonderful World Louie Armstrong Featured Location: Little Mario’s…
An Evangelical Deal With The Devil
By Steve on October 9, 2016
And it came to pass that the evangelical Christians in America were led into the desert to be tempted by the devil. And the devil said unto them, “I’ll make America great again, all you need…
Sadly Jesus Just Ain’t God Enough (for many Christians)
By Steve on May 2, 2016
I came to a rather sad conclusion this week that I know is going to sound a little weird. Ok, call me crazy but I’m convinced Jesus just ain’t enough God for many Christians! I know…