Christian Evangelism: What Story Do You Tell Yourself…And The World?
By Steve on May 20, 2014
Christian evangelism is fueled by two sources; the story we tell ourselves and the mission we believe we are on. Story and Mission The story we proclaim and the mission we engage in tells those around us…
Christianity Without Hooks 2: A Story of AIDS
By Steve on December 4, 2013
Evangelical Christianity has all kinds of hooks designed to catch people into the faith. We * organize special meetings * bring in exciting speakers * create multimedia shows * provide free food (pizza for the youth)…
Christianity Without Hooks
By Steve on November 28, 2013
What if sharing Christianity came without hooks? What if “bait & switch” evangelistic tactics were scrapped all together? How does one introduce another to the Life Christ brings if we aren’t allowed to use a…
Christianity Without Hooks: Why I Don’t Have “Non-Christian Friends”
By Steve on August 27, 2013
A while back I was in a Christian gathering where the speaker was announcing a series of upcoming evangelistic meetings that would be perfect to bring our “non-Christian friends” to. The speaker enthusiastically assured us…