My New Film: Merry Christmas Mr. Reynolds
By Steve on December 25, 2014
Over the last month or so my blog postings here have been a little sporadic…and my new book, Son: Understanding what it means to be a Child of God, sits unfinished on my computer But there is…
“Believe Me” Takes Aim At Cheesy Christian Culture Without Being Cheesy
By Steve on November 26, 2014
“Christian” themed movies have had their fair share of challenges. For every brilliant film like Chariot’s of Fire or The Mission there have been far too many movies of the Left Behind or God is Not Dead calibur. A good rule of thumb…
My Top 10 Favorite Robin Williams Films…And Why I’ll Miss Him
By Steve on August 13, 2014
Robin Williams has died! It’s not uncommon to wake up in the morning to discover that a famous celebrity passed away. Often the discovery is followed by a “what a shame” before heading out the…
“Holy Ghosts” With Peter Rollins Pt. 2
By Steve on May 8, 2014
Well, after a week in Belfast I’m still processing the time there with Pete Rollins and Holy Ghosts. What was it like you ask? As I put it in a Facebook update: Film makers, theologians, artists, philosophers,…
Despite Flaws, Aronofsky’s “Noah” Shows God Is With Us And Not Against Us
By Steve on April 18, 2014
I finally got some time to check out the Darren Aronofsky film Noah everyone has been talking about. My Facebook feed has been filled with Christians sharing the pros and cons of the film for days now….
The Gift Of The Magi
By Steve on December 20, 2013
Over the last month or so my blog postings here have been a little sporadic…and my first book about my hike across England which has been edited and ready to publish on Amazon lays in wait….
Kevin Miller: “Statements of Faith” vs.”The Way of Jesus”
By Steve on September 3, 2013
Documentary filmmaker Kevin Miller was all set to begin a film class at Trinity Western University this week when he was informed by the school administration that his class was cancelled. Apparently Miller was in…
A Hong Kong Christmas Story
By Steve on December 24, 2012
For the last month my department at school has been working on a film to be the “main event” at the yearly Christmas assembly held on the last day before the holiday break. While I…
Weekend Update Nov 25, 2012
By Steve on November 25, 2012
Film making in Hong Kong I love movies so much it was only a matter of time before I started making them myself…and Hong Kong is a great city to shoot in! It’s a Christmas…