God At The Movies: Grace, Law, and “A Few Good Men”
By Steve on June 25, 2014
Grace is a scary thing. Think about it… Grace can be absolutely terrifying to a Christian whose identity is built on achieving a certain standard. And as much as Christians like to talk about grace…
God At The Movies: Jodie Foster in “Contact” and How Real Belief Transforms
By Steve on March 20, 2014
There is a great scene at the end of the movie Contact where Jodie Foster is sitting before a Senate hearing committee in an attempt to “prove” she had an extraterrestrial encounter. For those unfamiliar with…
Finding Home: Why Christians Forget Their Ruby Slippers
By Steve on September 18, 2013
When I was a kid The Wizard of Oz was shown on TV once a year. Young people under 25 may do a spit take at the idea, but before video tapes and DVD, there…
Finding God at The Movies: Iron Man 3
By Steve on May 15, 2013
I love God…and movies. Not on the same scale mind you…but when they come together, boy…it sure is good! Over the years I have become pretty good at finding “the Kingdom of God” poking through different…