Comparing Yourself To Others? Grace Sets Us Free
By Steve on August 7, 2013
Ah, comparing ourselves to others. Is there a sport more popular than the human need to see where we measure up in comparison to someone else? Sad to say in Christian circles, the desire to…
Aslan Is On The Move!
By Steve on July 25, 2013
In C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe there is a wonderful portion of the story when the land of Narnia, which has been under the frozen curse of the White Witch, begins…
Christian Baker Refuses To Bake Cake for Gay Wedding… Really?
By Steve on July 17, 2013
The owner of Masterpiece cake shop in Denver Colorado has come under fire and faces possible jail time for failure to bake a cake… …for a gay wedding. Yes, Jack Philips, owner of Masterpiece Cake Shop…
“Because You Love Me”
By Steve on July 10, 2013
When my teenage son Gabriel was younger we had a little ritual interaction between us. I would often buy a toy for him or make some other nice gesture. As I gave the gift to…
Is Grace Operating In Your Church? 5 Things You Can Look For
By Steve on June 25, 2013
We talk a lot about Grace in church these days but do we know it when we see it? How do we know Grace is at work in a community? It’s not uncommon to find…
Exodus’ President Alan Chambers to Gay Community: “I Am Deeply Sorry”
By Steve on June 21, 2013
Having been a Christian for 37 years I have to admit, there is very little in church circles that surprises me. Yesterday I was surprised! Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International Ministries, issued an apology…
Bono answers “Why Jesus?”
By Steve on June 19, 2013
Why Jesus? I get asked that fairly frequently by friends of mine who do not profess Christianity. Recently at the faith discussion group I facilitate here in Hong Kong a friend put that question on…
With A “Vision” The People Often Perish
By Steve on June 18, 2013
I was a “Vision and Values” pastor once. In fact Habakkuk 2:2 “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets” and Matthew 11:12 “The Kingdom advances because forceful men lay hold of it” were…
Jay Bakker and Learning To “Smell” Like Jesus
By Steve on June 14, 2013
I’m reading a lot of Christian books lately and some of the best books I’ve read have stemmed from hearing an interview with the author beforehand. Someone just intrigues me and I think, “I gotta…
“Do Not Judge” What? Was Jesus Crazy?
By Steve on June 5, 2013
As human beings living on Earth there is one thing that unites us with a common thread. Whether you are black or white, rich or poor, male or female, American, Chinese, Indian, Australian, African and…