When Social Justice Isn’t Sexy: and how the Eucharist can help!
By Steve on May 22, 2013
A few years ago I was visiting friends in my hometown back in Michigan. A guy there I knew worked with the city newspaper and due to some contract disputes their union had been on…
Finding God at The Movies: Iron Man 3
By Steve on May 15, 2013
I love God…and movies. Not on the same scale mind you…but when they come together, boy…it sure is good! Over the years I have become pretty good at finding “the Kingdom of God” poking through different…
My Top 10 Changes Coming to Christianity
By Steve on May 7, 2013
Was reading Relevant Magazine this week and they were doing a number of “Top 10” lists on different aspects of church, faith, and leaders. It got me thinking along the lines of Christianity and what changes…
Brennan Manning: The Passing of the “Grandfather” of Grace
By Steve on April 21, 2013
I was sad to learn this week of the death of Brennan Manning at the age of 79. He was the “grandfather” so to speak for an up and coming generation in the church who…
Rediscovering “The Way” of Jesus
By Steve on March 27, 2013
Last week I had an interesting conversation with friends around my dining room table. In John 14:6 Jesus gives the familiar quote, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to…
Rob Bell’s Comments on Marriage Equality: Some Thoughts…
By Steve on March 19, 2013
Rob Bell has done it again! I really thought one of my next posts would be a review of Bell’s new book, What Do We Talk About When We Talk About God which I am…
Rob Bell…And Hell!
By Steve on March 2, 2013
Last night a group of friends and acquaintances gathered together in Central Hong Kong. It was a Friday night, the work week was over, and so they came together to drink a little wine, eat…
Awaiting Aslan: Finding Our Identity in the King and not the Message
By Steve on February 27, 2013
When I was a teenager I loved reading C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia. Once when I was home sick from school I read Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair complete through…
Hype-Grace?: A Response to Michael Brown
By Steve on February 23, 2013
In a recent article gaining a lot of traction on Charisma News, Dr. Michael Brown has taken issue with, as he would say, “hyper-grace”. As I read the article I am struck by how his…
Born Again…again!
By Steve on February 2, 2013
A good friend of mine messaged me this week noting of my blog that I’d been “busy”. I had to laugh a bit as I could see she was right. Looking at January I realize…