What Does It Mean To Be Saved? Part 3
By Steve on January 16, 2013
The Thief on the Cross In part 3 of this series on salvation I want to take a look at the interaction between Jesus and the thief that was crucified along side of him. One…
“Does God Really Not Like Me?”
By Steve on January 3, 2013
Just before the Christmas holiday I wrote a piece on Christ as “God with us”. I’ve been mulling that idea over in my mind through endless renditions of Silent Night and Hark the Herald Angels…
Les Miserables: A Story and A Review
By Steve on December 28, 2012
Tragedy…Sacrifice…Redemption…Grace. I don’t think there is a story told that embodies the human condition nor reflects its salvation more than Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables; and Tom Hooper’s theatrical release of the Schonberg-Boublil musical more than…
James Dobson, Fear, & The Shooting in Connecticut
By Steve on December 27, 2012
About 10 years ago a Christian friend gave me a CD with a teaching by James Dobson on it. Dobson at the time was rallying Christians to support a judge who refused to remove a…
A Hong Kong Christmas Story
By Steve on December 24, 2012
For the last month my department at school has been working on a film to be the “main event” at the yearly Christmas assembly held on the last day before the holiday break. While I…
“How Do I Get Close to God?”
By Steve on December 14, 2012
I recently had a talk with someone who asked if they could come see me. The guy had had some challenges in life and was trying to get “closer to God” to address those challenges. …
What Really is a “Good” Christian? Part 2
By Steve on December 9, 2012
In my last post I began a discussion on what really is a “good” Christian? We left off with Jesus talking about the parable of the vineyard owner in Matthew 21 implying that what a…
What Really is a “Good” Christian? Part 1
By Steve on December 6, 2012
Ever wonder what makes someone a “good” Christian? I do. Hardly a week goes by where I don’t have someone tell me some other person is or isn’t a “good” Christian. When it happens I…
What God Can Do With Your Biggest Mistakes
By Steve on December 2, 2012
Have you ever wondered why Jesus will rule from the Throne of David forever? I mean why would God’s throne, the throne that Jesus will reign from be named after a man and not Jesus…
Taking a Second Cookie: The Law and The Body of Christ
By Steve on November 30, 2012
Remember when you were a child and your mother would say, “You can have ONE cookie…but no more?” That was OK because all you wanted was one anyhow…right? But if you were like me, when…