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Overcoming Fear: Or How Not to “Say” and “Do” Silly Things
By Steve on November 22, 2012
When people encountered God or angels in the Bible pretty much the first thing they they said to those they went to visit was, “Don’t be afraid”! Yes, we humans tend to be a fearful…
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Freedom…Not to Judge!
By Steve on November 2, 2012
Not judging…is SUCH a relief! To paraphrase Douglas Adams, “Not judging is Big, really BIG! I mean you may think its a long walk to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts compared to not judging”…
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Cowboys…Aliens…and the Grace of God
By Steve on September 4, 2011
Just took Gabriel to see the new summer blockbuster Cowboys & Aliens! I knew from when I first heard the title I was going to love it because …well…it has Cowboys…and Aliens. Nuff said! Anyhow…