Why Do American Christians Have A Hard Time Understanding The Kingdom of Heaven?
By Steve on January 6, 2015
Crosses have become quite popular in fashion these days. Not exclusive to people of the Christian faith anymore, pop stars, rap singers, and Manhattan socialites alike proudly display diverse representations of the ancient symbol. (Because…
Why I’m Not A Universalist: And How Rob Bell Helped Change My Focus from “Getting There” to “Staying Here”
By Steve on December 5, 2014
Rob Bell is always getting me in trouble! For every person who thanks me for introducing them to Rob’s books or teachings there is another who reminds me that he is a heretic leading people astray. Yesterday…
When Someone Uses The Term “True Christian”……Run!
By Steve on July 28, 2014
“Well of course you would believe that…if you were a true Christian”. Have you ever heard that term? True Christian? Recently some of my Beyond the Pale posts have been geared toward making people aware of warning signs…
When the “Good News” Becomes “Good” Again!
By Steve on February 22, 2014
Two years ago I had a paradigm shift in my faith when I read Brian Zahnd’s Beauty Will Save The World. As I wrote then “I suddenly had my ‘spiritual mojo’ back!” In hindsight now…
The Myth of a Christian Nation: A Review
By Steve on May 29, 2013
There is an old church joke that goes something like this: A ship sinks and two guys survive but are stuck in a life raft in the middle of the ocean. The first man is…