Episode 087: Jesus Unbound with Keith Giles
By Steve on March 11, 2019
Hi Pilgrim, Author, blogger, and podcast host Keith Giles shares a journey that led him away from the traditional church pulpit to planting a house church that gave away ALL money collected to…
“The Wrath of Jesus”… And Why We Don’t Talk About It!
By Steve on January 6, 2018
Here is a conversation within Evangelical church circles I guarantee you have never heard: Man 1: “God loves you unconditionally and totally. You are his child and nothing can separate you from His Love” Man…
Episode 060: Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God with Brian Zahnd (Pt. 2)
By Steve on October 27, 2017
Hi Pilgrim, Tammy and I continue our talk with Brian Zahnd as we unpack his new book Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God. Brian shares with us pilgrims why Jesus’ sacrifice on the…
Would Christians Crucify A 21st Century Jesus?
By Steve on September 14, 2016
I found myself musing over a question recently and the question was this; If Jesus lived among us today, who would follow him and who would crucify him? You know, if we didn’t actually “know”…
5 Reasons “Sinners” Enter The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians
By Steve on July 31, 2015
Jesus knew how to tick off religious folk. Imagine for a moment going into a modern day Christian conference. You know, one of those shiny camp meetings advertised in a flashy Christian magazine or the…
Lessons I Learned Watching The Book Of Mormon
By Steve on July 23, 2015
As far as musicals go The Book of Mormon is quite possibly the hottest ticket to be had in both New York and London. Written and by directed Trey Parker & Matt Stone, the Tony…
Christianity Without Hooks: Gay Pastors & Angry Bloggers
By Steve on January 15, 2015
Last week’s post on whether the Apostle Paul would have lunch with a gay pastor stirred up a hornet’s nest of comments. The contributors were a pretty passionate group but after 40 or 50 comments…
Why I’m Not A Universalist: And How Rob Bell Helped Change My Focus from “Getting There” to “Staying Here”
By Steve on December 5, 2014
Rob Bell is always getting me in trouble! For every person who thanks me for introducing them to Rob’s books or teachings there is another who reminds me that he is a heretic leading people astray. Yesterday…
Betrayal & Grace: When Doctor Who Gets All “Jesus-ee”
By Steve on November 4, 2014
God I love Doctor Who! And admittedly I love Doctor Who even more in the episodes where the Doctor gets all…well…um Jesus-ee Yes, like Aslan (and Willy Wonka) our beloved Time Lord Doctor Who tends…