3 Reasons Why Jesus Is NOT My “Personal Lord & Savior”
By Steve on September 25, 2014
If you grew up in evangelical or charismatic church circles you were probably encouraged to “receive Jesus” as your “Personal Lord and Saviour”. Doing this, usually done in the form of a “sinner’s prayer”, guaranteed…
5 Theological Topics Making (Some) Christians Very Nervous
By Steve on June 11, 2014
It’s a general rule of thumb that in mixed company it’s best not to talk about religion or politics. On the religion side it’s also best to keep your theological discussions for Sunday mornings or…
Despite Flaws, Aronofsky’s “Noah” Shows God Is With Us And Not Against Us
By Steve on April 18, 2014
I finally got some time to check out the Darren Aronofsky film Noah everyone has been talking about. My Facebook feed has been filled with Christians sharing the pros and cons of the film for days now….
When the “Good News” Becomes “Good” Again!
By Steve on February 22, 2014
Two years ago I had a paradigm shift in my faith when I read Brian Zahnd’s Beauty Will Save The World. As I wrote then “I suddenly had my ‘spiritual mojo’ back!” In hindsight now…
Philomena: Oscar Nominated Movie Gives Insight Into Forgivness…And Hell
By Steve on February 1, 2014
“Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” declared Jesus from the cross. He made the pronouncement upon the crowds who had orchestrated his crucifixion as they stared up at him in…
Christianity Without Hooks 2: A Story of AIDS
By Steve on December 4, 2013
Evangelical Christianity has all kinds of hooks designed to catch people into the faith. We * organize special meetings * bring in exciting speakers * create multimedia shows * provide free food (pizza for the youth)…
5 Errors That Result When Christians Pump Old Covenant Gasoline Into A New Covenant Engine
By Steve on October 3, 2013
Jesus said it doesn’t make much sense to put new wine in an old wine skin. (Mark 2:22) He said if we did, the old wineskin wouldn’t handle it and eventually would burst leaving the…
Living Inside the City: It’s Not So Much About Heaven or Hell!
By Steve on September 6, 2013
In Revelation 21 & 22 there is a fantastic description of a “new Heaven”, a “new Earth” and even a “new Jerusalem”. The New Jerusalem is implied to be the physical manifestation of the church,…
Kevin Miller: “Statements of Faith” vs.”The Way of Jesus”
By Steve on September 3, 2013
Documentary filmmaker Kevin Miller was all set to begin a film class at Trinity Western University this week when he was informed by the school administration that his class was cancelled. Apparently Miller was in…
John Piper’s God Looks More Like “Dexter” than Jesus
By Steve on August 14, 2013
After reading my post yesterday on the great lengths God will go to for his children my brother Andy commented: I just did a post about a John Piper video that is making a resurgence on the…