The Myth of a Christian Nation: A Review
By Steve on May 29, 2013
There is an old church joke that goes something like this: A ship sinks and two guys survive but are stuck in a life raft in the middle of the ocean. The first man is…
Finding God at The Movies: Iron Man 3
By Steve on May 15, 2013
I love God…and movies. Not on the same scale mind you…but when they come together, boy…it sure is good! Over the years I have become pretty good at finding “the Kingdom of God” poking through different…
Rob Bell and Hell Pt. 2: Wrestling With God
By Steve on March 7, 2013
A couple posts back I wrote about an evening I had last week discussing Rob Bell’s debate on “hell” with Christian author Adrian Warrnock. That post generated more than my usual humble levels of traffic…
Rob Bell…And Hell!
By Steve on March 2, 2013
Last night a group of friends and acquaintances gathered together in Central Hong Kong. It was a Friday night, the work week was over, and so they came together to drink a little wine, eat…
What Does It Mean To Be Saved? Part 4
By Steve on January 23, 2013
When we say “Jesus Saves” what do we think of? God’s mercy? Love? Forgiveness? Unfortunately in the West the term has become a bit cliche and sadly often invokes images of wild eyed preachers on…
What Does It Mean To Be Saved? Part 3
By Steve on January 16, 2013
The Thief on the Cross In part 3 of this series on salvation I want to take a look at the interaction between Jesus and the thief that was crucified along side of him. One…
What Does It Mean To Be Saved? Part 2
By Steve on January 15, 2013
In part 1 of this series I looked at Jesus declaring salvation to Zacchaeus’ house after a meal at the chief tax collector’s house. In part 2 we’ll take a look at Jesus’ parable of…
What Does It Mean To Be “Saved”? Part 1
By Steve on January 12, 2013
What does it mean to be “saved”? A few days ago a friend of mine was noting some of the qualities of a mutual acquaintance of ours. It went something like this; “Yeah, she’s bright,…
“Does God Really Not Like Me?”
By Steve on January 3, 2013
Just before the Christmas holiday I wrote a piece on Christ as “God with us”. I’ve been mulling that idea over in my mind through endless renditions of Silent Night and Hark the Herald Angels…
Your Kingdom Come & The Lord’s Prayer
By Steve on December 12, 2012
How many times have you said the Lord’s prayer? If you have been a Christian, particularly from childhood, you will have recited it perhaps more times than can be remembered. Me too…but now I’m praying…