Rob Bell & “The Heretic”
By Steve on March 30, 2018
It was half way through the new Andrew Morgan documentary film The Heretic that I realised why many evangelical pastors and leaders often tend to wrent their garments and gnash their teeth when the name Rob Bell…
Episode 059: Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God with Brian Zahnd (pt.1)
By Steve on October 15, 2017
Hi Pilgrim, Tammy and I were so privileged to have Brian Zahnd back on Beyond the Pale with us. Brian and his wife Peri had joined us back in episode 34 to talk…
Episode 044: When A Christian Punk Rocker Leaves Christianity with Ojo Taylor Pt.1
By Steve on April 9, 2017
Show Notes Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured Music: Via Delorosa and The Way of the Rose Undercover Ojo Taylor’s website can be found here Hi Pilgrim, For the next couple podcasts I get to chat…
He’s Got The Whole World…In His Hands!
By Steve on February 20, 2013
“The world is not my home…I’m just passing through.” So sang Larry Norman to millions of “Jesus Movement” Christians in the 1970s. I was one of them! I loved it and the line re-enforced the…
Take a “Journey” this Lent Season!
By Steve on February 16, 2013
What special activity are you doing for Lent this year? As someone whose Christian faith was shaped by the early Jesus Movement of the 1970s, and later by independent Charismatic church life, the ritual of…
Daniel Amos KickStarter Campaign
By Steve on February 11, 2013
If you haven’t heard of the band Daniel Amos, you’re probably not alone. One of the pioneers of the Christian music scene for nearly forty years they are now virtually ignored by today’s mainstream Christian…
You may need a little more Eucharist in your diet!
By Steve on October 29, 2012
Last week I was listening to Rob Bell being interviewed on the Homebrewed Christianity podcast. The interviewer, Bo Sanders, asked Rob a very interesting question. As many of you know Bell was pastor of the…