“I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life” Is A Promise, Not A Threat!
By Steve on December 9, 2014
If you have ever witnessed a debate between Christians and members of other religious faiths you will inevitably see the verse John 14:6 strategically deployed by the Christian side. “I am the way and the truth…
Old Testament Wrath or New Testament Mercy? What is God Really Like
By Steve on November 20, 2014
In Hong Kong we have two official languages; Chinese and English. Because of this it is quite common to see information in the city displayed in both languages. Many times however legal documentation will have…
Biblical Inerrancy Part 2: My Thoughts on Michael Gungor’s Thoughts
By Steve on August 12, 2014
Just when I began writing on Biblical Inerrancy last week the blog-o-sphere began heating up with the news that Michael Gungor had been getting raked over the coals because of comments he made questioning the…
When Someone Uses The Term “True Christian”……Run!
By Steve on July 28, 2014
“Well of course you would believe that…if you were a true Christian”. Have you ever heard that term? True Christian? Recently some of my Beyond the Pale posts have been geared toward making people aware of warning signs…
God At The Movies: Grace, Law, and “A Few Good Men”
By Steve on June 25, 2014
Grace is a scary thing. Think about it… Grace can be absolutely terrifying to a Christian whose identity is built on achieving a certain standard. And as much as Christians like to talk about grace…
I’m Coming Out Of The Closet…Worship Wise That Is!
By Steve on May 30, 2014
I decided today to “come out of the closet” so to speak. No, its not what you are thinking. But it is about my orientation. My worship music orientation… It’s …well… …I just don’t like contemporary…
Despite Flaws, Aronofsky’s “Noah” Shows God Is With Us And Not Against Us
By Steve on April 18, 2014
I finally got some time to check out the Darren Aronofsky film Noah everyone has been talking about. My Facebook feed has been filled with Christians sharing the pros and cons of the film for days now….
World Vision’s Open Letter Reversing Their Decision to Hire Same-Sex Couples: With My Translation
By Steve on March 27, 2014
Hi all, If you are like me you may have been confused by World Vision’s declaration that it would begin allowing legally married same-sex individuals to be employed by the Christian relief agency only to…
Would Jesus Bake a Cake for a Gay Wedding?
By Steve on January 25, 2014
If Jesus owned a bakery, would he bake a cake for a gay wedding? Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council would probably argue “no” in a recent article for Charisma News defending a Oregon…
Old Testament God Vs. New Testament God: Jesus Clears the Confusion
By Steve on January 14, 2014
For centuries Christians have been trying to reconcile the discrepancies in God’s nature we often see between the Old Testament and the New. In some cases the character changes seem so stark in contrast that a…