Is Joaquin Phoenix Entering The Kingdom of Heaven Ahead Of The Rest Of Us?
By Steve on February 17, 2020
About five years ago I wrote an article called 5 Reasons “Sinners” Enter the Kingdom of God Ahead of Christians and although I had wrote it sometime ago, it almost daily receives a fair number…
Episode 090: Postcards from Babylon with Brian Zahnd
By Steve on May 9, 2019
Download episode on iTunes here Download episode on Stitcher here Hi Pilgrim, Brian Zahnd returns to share with us topics from his new book Postcards from Babylon: The Church in American Exile. Along…
Why the Jesus “Way” Irritates American Evangelicals
By Steve on May 1, 2019
Yesterday I posted a picture on Facebook that said: Soon later I got a private message from an American Evangelical Christian who responded: “This is the reason we can’t just let every single immigrant that…
Episode 074: What is the “Kingdom of God” with Adam Benner
By Steve on June 22, 2018
Hi Pilgrim, Adam Benner returns to Beyond the Pale to talk about what the Kingdom of God really is and what it means for followers of Christ today in the here and now. Is it…
Tim Keller’s N.Y. Times Interview Reveals American Evangelical’s Problem In A Single Sentence
By Steve on December 27, 2016
A recent New York Times article making its way around my social media feeds highlights in a single sentence what is fundamentally deficient in American Evangelicalism. In the article Times writer Nicholas Kristof asks prominent…
Would Christians Crucify A 21st Century Jesus?
By Steve on September 14, 2016
I found myself musing over a question recently and the question was this; If Jesus lived among us today, who would follow him and who would crucify him? You know, if we didn’t actually “know”…
Think You “Get God”? Think Again…
By Steve on August 25, 2015
One of the common threads running through the Bible is the consistent habit we humans have of assuming we have God figured out…only to be surprised that we don’t. This happened a lot… But…
5 Reasons People Didn’t Like My 5 Reasons “Sinners” Were Entering The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians
By Steve on August 4, 2015
My previous post 5 Reasons Sinners Enter The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians generated more than the usual feedback. Many found it “sobering”, “so true”, and “I Love this”. Never the less others were…
5 Reasons “Sinners” Enter The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians
By Steve on July 31, 2015
Jesus knew how to tick off religious folk. Imagine for a moment going into a modern day Christian conference. You know, one of those shiny camp meetings advertised in a flashy Christian magazine or the…
Camino Lessons: The Joy Of Seeing Friends In Santiago!
By Steve on May 12, 2015
Arriving in Santiago was perhaps more emotional than I had expected. After almost 5 weeks of walking the sense of anticipation grew as my son Gabriel and I entered the outer perimeter of the city. Finally…