Why Do American Christians Have A Hard Time Understanding The Kingdom of Heaven?
By Steve on January 6, 2015
Crosses have become quite popular in fashion these days. Not exclusive to people of the Christian faith anymore, pop stars, rap singers, and Manhattan socialites alike proudly display diverse representations of the ancient symbol. (Because…
Do Christians Really Want Jesus To Be “Prince of Peace”?
By Steve on December 22, 2014
This Christmas I’ve been thinking a lot about something that Jesus accomplished when he born in a humble stable and executed as a political scapegoat 2000 years ago. He established a whole new government……
Forget “Left Behind”: Jesus Breaks the Cycle of Power and Violence
By Steve on October 8, 2014
When Jesus walked the earth he tended to make a lot of people around him angry and frustrated. That’s because the Jewish people were looking for a new leader. Someone who would rise up with God…
3 Reasons Why Jesus Is NOT My “Personal Lord & Savior”
By Steve on September 25, 2014
If you grew up in evangelical or charismatic church circles you were probably encouraged to “receive Jesus” as your “Personal Lord and Saviour”. Doing this, usually done in the form of a “sinner’s prayer”, guaranteed…
Why Mandela Matters!
By Steve on December 6, 2013
Nelson Mandela has died… As the world wide outpouring of grief for Africa’s greatest statesmen is played out on the 24 hour news channels I found myself wondering why this man’s story, as incredible as…
“Piglets For Progress”: Bringing A Little Heaven To Earth
By Steve on October 26, 2013
Connie Mudore is a good friend of mine who I worked with here in Hong Kong before she left for Chiang Mai, Thailand a couple years ago. Since arriving in Thailand she has become involved…
If Only “Answers In Genesis” Could Find Their “Answers In Jesus”
By Steve on October 12, 2013
Can the “Culture War” in America, and the Christian response to it, get any crazier. CNN reports that the the evangelical Christian group Answers in Genesis will spend up to US$ 200,000 to display billboards…
Typhoon Usagi: Calming The Storms In Our Lives…And Others!
By Steve on September 25, 2013
Earlier this week Hong Kong, the city where I live, braced itself for Typhoon Usagi. Every indicator on the news and internet seemed to to say this was going to be “a Big One”. Supposedly…
Living Inside the City: It’s Not So Much About Heaven or Hell!
By Steve on September 6, 2013
In Revelation 21 & 22 there is a fantastic description of a “new Heaven”, a “new Earth” and even a “new Jerusalem”. The New Jerusalem is implied to be the physical manifestation of the church,…
Kevin Miller: “Statements of Faith” vs.”The Way of Jesus”
By Steve on September 3, 2013
Documentary filmmaker Kevin Miller was all set to begin a film class at Trinity Western University this week when he was informed by the school administration that his class was cancelled. Apparently Miller was in…