Episode 050: Engaging The Bible Progressively with C. Allen Ries
By Steve on July 4, 2017
Show Notes Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured music: Blunderbuss Jack White Hi Pilgrim, In Part 2 of our discussion with C. Allen Ries, Allen discusses the idea of Biblical inerrancy and how Christians…
Episode 049: Gay & Christian with C. Allen Ries (Pt.1)
By Steve on June 26, 2017
Show Notes: Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured Music: Thank U Alanis Morissette Hi Pilgrim, There is a saying that the most segregated part of the week in America is 11:00 AM Sunday…
Tennessee Official Seeks Protection From God’s Wrath Over Gay Marriage Legalization
By Steve on October 9, 2015
Whew! That was close. On Monday the County Board of Commissioners in Blount County Tennessee was all set to vote on a motion asking God (yes, you read that right, “God”) to spare their county…
Tony Campolo Comes Out As “Gay Affirming”
By Steve on June 9, 2015
“Are you gay affirming?” I was asked not long ago. The question caught me off guard. It was in regards to the Bread & Wine group I run in Hong Kong and the inquirer wanted to…
Hey Indiana, If A Gay Man Asks You To Bake Him A Cake, Bake Him Two
By Steve on March 28, 2015
If you haven’t heard the news, the State of Indiana and it’s Governor, Mike Pence, were feeling a wee bit nostalgic. Pining for the good ol’ days they announced a new law that would allow people…
An Affirmation For Brandan Robertson
By Steve on February 24, 2015
Evangelicals are gaining quite a reputation as of late for being a tribe that eats its own. Case in point, the recent flurry surrounding speaker and writer Brandan Robertson. Brandan Robertson is an Evangelical Christian….
Mike Huckabee & Gay Weddings: or How Not To Be A Christian “Tribesman”
By Steve on February 4, 2015
Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee defended Christians who refused services (like baking wedding cakes) to the gay community based on their convictions saying, “it’s like forcing Jews to serve bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli. Both foods are violations…
Christianity Without Hooks: Gay Pastors & Angry Bloggers
By Steve on January 15, 2015
Last week’s post on whether the Apostle Paul would have lunch with a gay pastor stirred up a hornet’s nest of comments. The contributors were a pretty passionate group but after 40 or 50 comments…
Would The Apostle Paul Have Lunch With A “Gay” Pastor?
By Steve on January 8, 2015
I had a very interesting question e-mailed to me this week: “Steve, in light of 1 Corinthians 5: 8-12 do you think Paul the Apostle would break bread (have a meal and fellowship) with…
Can You Be Gay & Christian?
By Steve on July 2, 2014
Same-sex relations and marriage is a divisive topic within the Body of Christ with passions running high on both sides. At Beyond the Pale I don’t steer clear of questions that are pressing in on the church so…