Camino Lessons: The Joy Of Seeing Friends In Santiago!
By Steve on May 12, 2015
Arriving in Santiago was perhaps more emotional than I had expected. After almost 5 weeks of walking the sense of anticipation grew as my son Gabriel and I entered the outer perimeter of the city. Finally…
Week End Update: My Top 10 TV Shows
By Steve on January 11, 2014
This week the family and I have really been enjoying the new season, or series as they call it in the U.K., of Sherlock; the modern take on the famed sleuth starring Benedict Cumberbatch. The new…
Living Inside the City: It’s Not So Much About Heaven or Hell!
By Steve on September 6, 2013
In Revelation 21 & 22 there is a fantastic description of a “new Heaven”, a “new Earth” and even a “new Jerusalem”. The New Jerusalem is implied to be the physical manifestation of the church,…
The LOST finale episode redux
By Steve on May 16, 2012
I recently re watched the finale episode of the T.V. series LOST. It’s been two years now since the show wrapped and I remember there was a real polarization between those that thought it it was a grand,…
Cowboys…Aliens…and the Grace of God
By Steve on September 4, 2011
Just took Gabriel to see the new summer blockbuster Cowboys & Aliens! I knew from when I first heard the title I was going to love it because …well…it has Cowboys…and Aliens. Nuff said! Anyhow…
LOST: In this place, there is no Now
By Steve on May 27, 2010
(Warning: Spoilers ahead!) I can hardly believe its over! After 6 years of trudging through the jungles, the television series LOST came to a successful conclusion. I must admit, I like many other LOST fans…
Why I’ve gotten “LOST”
By Steve on April 17, 2010
The best show on television? For me, far and away, it would be the ABC mystery drama, LOST. Since its premiere in the fall of 2004 it has been a trip down Alice’s rabbit hole…