Rob Bell & 9 Things Evangelicals Should Never Do: A Response To R.C. Sproul
By Steve on February 22, 2015
Bloggers love Rob Bell and Mark Driscoll. Whenever either of them do anything whatsoever all we have to do is write a blog post commenting on their latest statement, decision, or action and sit back and…
Top 5 Posts of 2014
By Steve on December 29, 2014
Well another year of blogging is winding down and I can hardly believe I’ve managed to keep Beyond the Pale going for more than six years now. Over 525 posts! People often say to me “Where…
9 Warning Signs Your Pastor May Be Building His Own Kingdom
By Steve on July 11, 2014
Control! People like to be controlled! People want to be controlled! In a recent post I raised the question of why Christians would allow themselves to be abused in church systems that wreak havoc in their lives and…
Mark Driscoll’s House of Cards and How My Atheist Brother Was Right All Along
By Steve on July 9, 2014
More than 5 years ago I wrote a blog post on Mark Driscoll when he and his Mars Hill Church were at the height of their game. If you read the post you can see I…
Mark Driscoll’s Open Letter Apology: Has the Mars Hill Pastor Finally Heard the Singing of the Whos Down in Whoville?
By Steve on March 18, 2014
I was a Mark Driscoll fan…and then I wasn’t! Back in 2007 I didn’t know much about Driscoll other than he was that “swearing” pastor Donald Miller mentions in Blue Like Jazz. Then a friend suggested…
Ghostbusters: or How Christians Should Behave With “Portable Nuclear Reactors” On Their Backs
By Steve on February 14, 2014
You remember Ghostbusters right? Three guys with portable nuclear reactor laser like weapons on their backs that they would use to blast the demons, ghosts, and goblins invading New York City. The one rule they lived by…
John Piper’s God Looks More Like “Dexter” than Jesus
By Steve on August 14, 2013
After reading my post yesterday on the great lengths God will go to for his children my brother Andy commented: I just did a post about a John Piper video that is making a resurgence on the…
Jay Bakker and Learning To “Smell” Like Jesus
By Steve on June 14, 2013
I’m reading a lot of Christian books lately and some of the best books I’ve read have stemmed from hearing an interview with the author beforehand. Someone just intrigues me and I think, “I gotta…
Mark Driscoll’s “Obama Tweet”: How Should We Pray For Our Leaders?
By Steve on January 24, 2013
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. I was disturbed this week to see a tweet which has gone viral by Pastor Mark Driscoll in which he calls into question…
“Does God Really Not Like Me?”
By Steve on January 3, 2013
Just before the Christmas holiday I wrote a piece on Christ as “God with us”. I’ve been mulling that idea over in my mind through endless renditions of Silent Night and Hark the Herald Angels…