Monster God or Monster Man? Michael Brown & Brian Zahnd Debate The Cross
By Steve on March 3, 2015
If you grew up in a Western style evangelical or charismatic church circles you probably view how Christ took away our sins on the cross in a certain way. That God required a payment, a…
Top 5 Posts of 2014
By Steve on December 29, 2014
Well another year of blogging is winding down and I can hardly believe I’ve managed to keep Beyond the Pale going for more than six years now. Over 525 posts! People often say to me “Where…
Can You Be Gay & Christian?
By Steve on July 2, 2014
Same-sex relations and marriage is a divisive topic within the Body of Christ with passions running high on both sides. At Beyond the Pale I don’t steer clear of questions that are pressing in on the church so…
The Real Reason Liberal Churches Are Losing Members? A Response To Michael Brown
By Steve on June 27, 2014
Michael Brown came out swinging, as he usually does, in a recent blog post explaining why liberal churches are losing members faster than conservative ones. He kicks off by exclaiming: Almost every day conservative Christians are told…
Hyper-Grace: The Dangerous Doctrine of a Happy God
By Steve on March 11, 2014
What is “Hyper-Grace” and why would anyone think it could be a bad thing? In any debate, whether it be cultural, philosophical, or theological, transforming a pejorative label into a positive identity or a “badge…