Jesus Riding A Donkey Was The Moment Everything Changed!
By Steve on February 3, 2015
I think it was C.S. Lewis who noted that the trouble of a childhood Sunday School education is that as adults a childlike version of Bible stories remains in our head. Noah is a sweet old…
“I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life” Is A Promise, Not A Threat!
By Steve on December 9, 2014
If you have ever witnessed a debate between Christians and members of other religious faiths you will inevitably see the verse John 14:6 strategically deployed by the Christian side. “I am the way and the truth…
Mick Mooney’s Huffington Post Piece Is Way To “Liberal”
By Steve on November 6, 2014
Apparently Mick Mooney’s recent HuffPost piece, WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know? has caused a bit of a stir in certain circles. In the post Mooney has a bit of…
When Someone Uses The Term “True Christian”……Run!
By Steve on July 28, 2014
“Well of course you would believe that…if you were a true Christian”. Have you ever heard that term? True Christian? Recently some of my Beyond the Pale posts have been geared toward making people aware of warning signs…
What You Have To “Do” To Get God’s Approval?
By Steve on July 19, 2014
Ever feel like you need to do something for God? As a Christian pastor, speaker, and writer I have the opportunity to talk with a lot of people about their faith and their walk with…
What If We Were All Just 5% “More Like Jesus”? A Little Thought Experiment
By Steve on June 28, 2013
What if everyone on Earth was just a little more like Jesus? That was the suggestion Bono made in an interview I posted last week. In the piece be states: If only we could be…