Episode 105: Oscar Predictions 2020 with James Marsh
By Steve on January 26, 2020
Hi Pilgrim, South China Morning Post and RTHK film critic James Marsh sits down with Steve for our annual Oscar predictions show. That’s right we take a short break from our usual show…
Episode 040: Oscar Predictions 2017 with James Marsh
By Steve on February 18, 2017
Show Notes Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured music: Another Day of Sun La La Land Sountrack Hi pilgrim, That right the 89th Academy Awards is just around the corner so today I’m joined by…
Episode 026: The Gospel of Willy Wonka
By Steve on September 18, 2016
Show Notes Intro Theme: Tyler Bates Ventura Description: With the tragic passing of actor Gene Wilder, Steve & Tammy explore links between his most iconic character and the Christian Gospel. Join our adventure exploring…
“God’s Not Dead 2” Perpetuates a Cycle Christians Are Supposed To Break
By Steve on November 9, 2015
Back in 2011 I wrote a post promoting a Christian film company that seemed to be taking faith based movies into a welcome new direction. I had just watched Pureflix’s film Hidden Secrets about a group…
Weekend Distractions: My Academy Award Predictions 2015
By Steve on February 22, 2015
It’s Oscar time again and this is the first year since returning to Hong Kong that the Academy Awards fall on Chinese New Year holiday. Because the awards are on Monday morning in Hong Kong due…
American Sniper: Why Christians Want Their Jesus To Be Chris Kyle
By Steve on February 17, 2015
American Sniper, the Clint Eastwood film starring Bradley Cooper as Navy Seal Chris Kyle, has been the topic de jour among many bloggers since its recent premier. My Facebook feed has been littered with diverse opinion…
My New Film: Merry Christmas Mr. Reynolds
By Steve on December 25, 2014
Over the last month or so my blog postings here have been a little sporadic…and my new book, Son: Understanding what it means to be a Child of God, sits unfinished on my computer But there is…
“Believe Me” Takes Aim At Cheesy Christian Culture Without Being Cheesy
By Steve on November 26, 2014
“Christian” themed movies have had their fair share of challenges. For every brilliant film like Chariot’s of Fire or The Mission there have been far too many movies of the Left Behind or God is Not Dead calibur. A good rule of thumb…
Interstellar: My Top 5 Movies That Explore Wonder, Awe, Mystery…and Science
By Steve on November 14, 2014
After much anticipation, speculation, and yes even salivation, Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar premiered last week. The film is Nolan’s brave attempt to mimic Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and create a “hard science” film that also…
“The Romance of Grace” by Jim McNeely
By Steve on October 10, 2014
As the message of grace spreads through the church it goes without saying that grace authors face an increasingly difficult challenge; distinguishing their grace book from the plethora of others that have recently hit the market. In The…