Episode 130: Jesus Unarmed with Keith Giles
By Steve on March 21, 2022
Hi Pilgrim, Keith Giles returns to the podcast to discuss with Steve & Tammy his final book in the seven part “un” series Jesus Unarmed: How the Prince of Peace Disarms our Violence. Along the way…
Episode 128: The Way of Non-Violence with Simon Ramacci
By Steve on January 4, 2022
Beyond The Pale · Episode 128: The Way of Non-Violence with Simon Ramacci Hi Pilgrim, Simon Rammaci has been active in sharing with Christians that to follow Christ is to be a peacemaker. He discusses…
Jerry Falwell Jr. Abandons Christianity For A Gun
By Steve on December 7, 2015
I’m trying to understand something, perhaps you can help me out… In 2011, when Pastor Rob Bell wrote his book Love Wins where he suggested that God’s love is so big that it was incompatible with…
American Sniper: Why Christians Want Their Jesus To Be Chris Kyle
By Steve on February 17, 2015
American Sniper, the Clint Eastwood film starring Bradley Cooper as Navy Seal Chris Kyle, has been the topic de jour among many bloggers since its recent premier. My Facebook feed has been littered with diverse opinion…
Jesus Riding A Donkey Was The Moment Everything Changed!
By Steve on February 3, 2015
I think it was C.S. Lewis who noted that the trouble of a childhood Sunday School education is that as adults a childlike version of Bible stories remains in our head. Noah is a sweet old…
Weekend Distractions: Nobel Peace Prize Winner Demonstrates Christ’s “Way”
By Steve on October 12, 2014
Yesterday Malala Yousafzai became the youngest Nobel Peace prize recipient by winning the award at the age of 16. As early as the age of 12 Malala was blogging about the need for girls to have…