“The Wrath of Jesus”… And Why We Don’t Talk About It!
By Steve on January 6, 2018
Here is a conversation within Evangelical church circles I guarantee you have never heard: Man 1: “God loves you unconditionally and totally. You are his child and nothing can separate you from His Love” Man…
Episode 059: Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God with Brian Zahnd (pt.1)
By Steve on October 15, 2017
Hi Pilgrim, Tammy and I were so privileged to have Brian Zahnd back on Beyond the Pale with us. Brian and his wife Peri had joined us back in episode 34 to talk…
Sadly Jesus Just Ain’t God Enough (for many Christians)
By Steve on May 2, 2016
I came to a rather sad conclusion this week that I know is going to sound a little weird. Ok, call me crazy but I’m convinced Jesus just ain’t enough God for many Christians! I know…
Is It Time For Church “Worship” To Grow Up?
By Steve on January 10, 2016
Worship! The very word conjures up powerful images of devotion that can take many forms…except of course in church today where it tends to conjure up visions of that 30 minutes of singing at the start…
Tennessee Official Seeks Protection From God’s Wrath Over Gay Marriage Legalization
By Steve on October 9, 2015
Whew! That was close. On Monday the County Board of Commissioners in Blount County Tennessee was all set to vote on a motion asking God (yes, you read that right, “God”) to spare their county…
Rob Bell & 9 Things Evangelicals Should Never Do: A Response To R.C. Sproul
By Steve on February 22, 2015
Bloggers love Rob Bell and Mark Driscoll. Whenever either of them do anything whatsoever all we have to do is write a blog post commenting on their latest statement, decision, or action and sit back and…
Old Testament Wrath or New Testament Mercy? What is God Really Like
By Steve on November 20, 2014
In Hong Kong we have two official languages; Chinese and English. Because of this it is quite common to see information in the city displayed in both languages. Many times however legal documentation will have…
4 Reasons Why The “If 7:14” Prayer And Revival Campaign Is Not Such A Good Idea
By Steve on July 17, 2014
This week there was a major prayer and revival campaign in the United States called “If 7:14” In fact Iowa governor Terry Branstad even signed a proclamation calling on the nation to pray on Monday…
Old Testament God Vs. New Testament God: Jesus Clears the Confusion
By Steve on January 14, 2014
For centuries Christians have been trying to reconcile the discrepancies in God’s nature we often see between the Old Testament and the New. In some cases the character changes seem so stark in contrast that a…
10 Cool Things About Being An American Christian (But Not Living In America)
By Steve on November 22, 2013
Ah, politics and religion! The age old discussion topics everyone is warned to stay clear of lest an argument result. The online world is rife with it though and most of it is pretty inane. …