Episode 79: Finding God in Other People with Steve Priest (Pt. 1)
By Steve on November 6, 2018
Hi Pilgrim, What happens when you sincerely look for God…and He doesn’t show? When you seek but don’t find, knock and no one answers? Steve Priest shares his journey of looking to have a…
Episode 076: Religion, Theology, and Culture with Barry Taylor (Part 1)
By Steve on August 27, 2018
Hi Pilgrim, Barry Taylor has come a long way since travelling backstage with the rock band AC / DC. Since those early days touring his journey has taken him from arena concerts, to…
Rob Bell & “The Heretic”
By Steve on March 30, 2018
It was half way through the new Andrew Morgan documentary film The Heretic that I realised why many evangelical pastors and leaders often tend to wrent their garments and gnash their teeth when the name Rob Bell…
Episode 027: Sometimes God Just Breaks His Own Rules with Giles Parker Pt.1
By Steve on September 29, 2016
Show Notes Intro Theme: Tyler Bates Ventura Featured Music: 4 Non Blondes What’s Up Tammy and I talk with former pastor Giles Parker about his journey to a more progressive Christianity, how the…
Episode 001: Broken Liturgy with John Hardt
By Steve on February 26, 2016
Theologian and musician John Hardt discusses life, liturgy, doubt, and inviting people into dark places A couple year’s ago I was in Belfast attending Peter Rollin’s Holy Ghosts event which was one of the coolest…
I’m Giving Up God For Lent…And You Can Too!
By Steve on February 16, 2016
The season of Lent is upon us which is a period where many Christians take stock of their lives by often giving up something that is important in their daily schedule for a period of…
The Divine Magician: or How To Make Real Life Appear By Smashing The “Sacred Object”
By Steve on February 10, 2015
In grad school I took a class once called The Politics of Ideas. On the first day the professor warned us that each class period he would take us all into the metaphorical abyss where we would…
Mike Huckabee & Gay Weddings: or How Not To Be A Christian “Tribesman”
By Steve on February 4, 2015
Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee defended Christians who refused services (like baking wedding cakes) to the gay community based on their convictions saying, “it’s like forcing Jews to serve bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli. Both foods are violations…
“Holy Ghosts” With Peter Rollins Pt. 2
By Steve on May 8, 2014
Well, after a week in Belfast I’m still processing the time there with Pete Rollins and Holy Ghosts. What was it like you ask? As I put it in a Facebook update: Film makers, theologians, artists, philosophers,…
Peter Rollins and “Holy Ghosts”
By Steve on April 25, 2014
In just a few hours I’ll be hopping on a plane for LONG flight from Hong Kong to London and then on to Belfast Northern Ireland. The reason? I’ll be attending Peter Rollin’s 4 day…