God At The Movies: Jodie Foster in “Contact” and How Real Belief Transforms
By Steve on March 20, 2014
There is a great scene at the end of the movie Contact where Jodie Foster is sitting before a Senate hearing committee in an attempt to “prove” she had an extraterrestrial encounter. For those unfamiliar with…
When the “Good News” Becomes “Good” Again!
By Steve on February 22, 2014
Two years ago I had a paradigm shift in my faith when I read Brian Zahnd’s Beauty Will Save The World. As I wrote then “I suddenly had my ‘spiritual mojo’ back!” In hindsight now…
Ghostbusters: or How Christians Should Behave With “Portable Nuclear Reactors” On Their Backs
By Steve on February 14, 2014
You remember Ghostbusters right? Three guys with portable nuclear reactor laser like weapons on their backs that they would use to blast the demons, ghosts, and goblins invading New York City. The one rule they lived by…
Top Ten Best Books: 2013
By Steve on December 27, 2013
I read a lot. In the pre-digital world I would have certainly struggled to remember every book I had read in a given year. Now though I need only scroll through my Amazon purchases of…
Is Grace Operating In Your Church? 5 Things You Can Look For
By Steve on June 25, 2013
We talk a lot about Grace in church these days but do we know it when we see it? How do we know Grace is at work in a community? It’s not uncommon to find…
YouTube video chat with Peter Rollins
By Steve on June 10, 2013
I got up this morning at 4:00 AM! Well, OK, since I got up to watch Peter Rollins do a live video chat, and he’s all about creating a space where people can be honest,…
The Idolatry of God by Peter Rollins: A Book Review
By Steve on January 28, 2013
In the last year I have become a bit of a fan of author and speaker Peter Rollins. I’d read two of his previous books, How (Not) to Speak of God and Insurrection and they…
My Year End Book Reviews: 2012
By Steve on December 31, 2012
Last year I did a year end book review and as I look at it I realize how much my reading tastes has changed in a year’s time. In 2011 not a single “Christian” book…
Theology Without a Net
By Steve on April 4, 2012
A few years back in grad school I took a class called The Politics of Ideas. During the obligatory introduction you get during these types of classes the Professor warned us that we would be…
I’m on a Book Roll Now: Reading Pete Rollin’s “Insurrection”
By Steve on March 15, 2012
In my last post I mentioned how I hadn’t finished a “Christian” book in 10 years. Even my wife was surprised when she read that. Now, don’t misunderstand, I’ve started a number over the years…