An Evangelical Deal With The Devil
By Steve on October 9, 2016
And it came to pass that the evangelical Christians in America were led into the desert to be tempted by the devil. And the devil said unto them, “I’ll make America great again, all you need…
Weekend Distractions: Nobel Peace Prize Winner Demonstrates Christ’s “Way”
By Steve on October 12, 2014
Yesterday Malala Yousafzai became the youngest Nobel Peace prize recipient by winning the award at the age of 16. As early as the age of 12 Malala was blogging about the need for girls to have…
Weekend Distractions: Scotland Shows How It’s Done With Non-Violent Referendum
By Steve on September 21, 2014
A big day in the United Kingdom this week. The people of Scotland had the opportunity to vote for their independence from the rest of the union. Think about that for a moment. They got…
World Vision’s Open Letter Reversing Their Decision to Hire Same-Sex Couples: With My Translation
By Steve on March 27, 2014
Hi all, If you are like me you may have been confused by World Vision’s declaration that it would begin allowing legally married same-sex individuals to be employed by the Christian relief agency only to…
If Only “Answers In Genesis” Could Find Their “Answers In Jesus”
By Steve on October 12, 2013
Can the “Culture War” in America, and the Christian response to it, get any crazier. CNN reports that the the evangelical Christian group Answers in Genesis will spend up to US$ 200,000 to display billboards…
My Memories Of Pastor Samuel Lamb
By Steve on August 20, 2013
Many Christians, particularly in China, were saddened by the passing of Pastor Samuel Lamb this week at the age of 88. 10,000 mourners, under the watchful eye of a heavy police presence, came out for…
The Myth of a Christian Nation: A Review
By Steve on May 29, 2013
There is an old church joke that goes something like this: A ship sinks and two guys survive but are stuck in a life raft in the middle of the ocean. The first man is…
The Justice Conference Asia 2013: Some Reflections
By Steve on May 19, 2013
I don’t take notes at church. I’m one of those guys that would rather “absorb” than “scribble.” If a speaker says a quote or something else that strikes me I may quickly grab my ipad…
My Top 10 Changes Coming to Christianity
By Steve on May 7, 2013
Was reading Relevant Magazine this week and they were doing a number of “Top 10” lists on different aspects of church, faith, and leaders. It got me thinking along the lines of Christianity and what changes…