Episode 064: A.D. 70 with Paul Ellis
By Steve on December 19, 2017
Hi Pilgrim, Award winning author Paul Ellis talks to Steve & Tammy about his new book A.D. 70. Unlike the anxiety produced by many books on prophecy and the fear of being “left behind”,…
More “Left Behind”: Thoughts on Raptures, Resurrections, and Turning The Prince of Peace into A God of War
By Steve on September 18, 2014
My last post on the upcoming Left Behind movie seem to generate more than the usual amount of discussion. To everyone’s credit the interactions with me, or the one’s I observed between others, were…
3 Things To Consider Before Inviting Your Friend To See Left Behind
By Steve on September 16, 2014
In a couple weeks time the Left Behind movie will open in cinemas around the world. As someone who got “onboard” the Left Behind evangelistic bandwagon 14 years ago when the original version with Kirk Cameron came…
10 Cool Things About Being An American Christian (But Not Living In America)
By Steve on November 22, 2013
Ah, politics and religion! The age old discussion topics everyone is warned to stay clear of lest an argument result. The online world is rife with it though and most of it is pretty inane. …
Heaven & Earth: Right Here…Right Now!
By Steve on February 14, 2013
Reading N.T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope I realize there is an aspect to my understanding of God that has been very neglected from the beginning of my Christian walk. As the book reveals, ask most…
Nicholas Cage gets Left Behind
By Steve on October 31, 2012
The Hollywood Reporter announced that the rapture focused reboot of the “Left Behind” series has been green lit. And whats more, the casting for the reboot is moving up a notch with Nicolas Cage joining…