Episode 071: Connecting Church & Community with Mark & Christine Cattanach
By Steve on April 5, 2018
Hi Pilgrim, In Episode 71 Christine & Mark continue their story and share about Christine’s new position as an “Intergenerational Missioner” for the Anglican Church. How she seeks to connect various generations with each…
Episode 062: Saving the Earth with Tre Cates (Pt 2)
By Steve on November 21, 2017
Hi Pilgrim, In Part 2 of our discussion Tre Cates shares how he initially became involved with, and then went on to be the Chief Operations Officer for, the Savory Institute; a group…
Episode 041: Rethinking Church Pt. 1 with Steve Barker
By Steve on March 5, 2017
Show Notes Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured Music: New Rose The Damned Hi Pilgrim, Steve Barker was a occupational therapist turned full time Christian minister, and now a full time OT again having journeyed out of the…
Episode 000: In The Beginning (or the One where you get to know us)
By Steve on February 26, 2016
Beyond the Pale is a subversive, yet sincere, exploration of God, faith, church, and culture hosted by former pastors and missionaries Steve & Tammy Hackman. It’s a podcast for that person who wonders about God…
Is It Time For Church “Worship” To Grow Up? Pt 2
By Steve on January 29, 2016
My previous post on worship seemed to generate a fair bit of passion. Apparently there is no small amount of pent up frustration on the subject …though fortunately most of the comments I received…
Is It Time For Church “Worship” To Grow Up?
By Steve on January 10, 2016
Worship! The very word conjures up powerful images of devotion that can take many forms…except of course in church today where it tends to conjure up visions of that 30 minutes of singing at the start…
5 Reasons Jesus Was Rejected…And Why We Would Reject Him Again
By Steve on March 5, 2015
I think as Christians we often look back at the rejection of Jesus by the religious rulers and people of the time and shake our heads in disbelief. How could they have done that? Were they…
The Church Is Changing: The Rise of The “Dones”
By Steve on December 18, 2014
A lot of focus and attention has been given to that rising demographic of millennials known as the nones. Young people who have no religious affiliation whatsoever. But there is another demographic that is growing in the Christian…
The Problem I Have With “My Pastor”
By Steve on October 28, 2014
“Who’s your pastor?” It’s a question you have probably heard more than a few times if you tend to hang out in church circles. As a pastor myself I know the challenges that can come from…
“…but some doubted.” What Does Jesus Do With Christians Who Doubt?
By Steve on August 26, 2014
Doubt was a dirty word in the church circles I came from. Prayers for healing, prosperity, good grades at school, or a job promotion at work could all be derailed by simply doubting it would happen….