9 Warning Signs Your Pastor May Be Building His Own Kingdom
By Steve on July 11, 2014
Control! People like to be controlled! People want to be controlled! In a recent post I raised the question of why Christians would allow themselves to be abused in church systems that wreak havoc in their lives and…
Should The Church Be Trying To Win Millennials Back? (Or Following Their Lead)
By Steve on July 1, 2014
There is a classic The Simpsons episode where Homer, after a frustrating morning getting ready, skips church. Much to the chagrin of family and friends he has such a great day skipping church he decides to give…
The Real Reason Liberal Churches Are Losing Members? A Response To Michael Brown
By Steve on June 27, 2014
Michael Brown came out swinging, as he usually does, in a recent blog post explaining why liberal churches are losing members faster than conservative ones. He kicks off by exclaiming: Almost every day conservative Christians are told…
5 Theological Topics Making (Some) Christians Very Nervous
By Steve on June 11, 2014
It’s a general rule of thumb that in mixed company it’s best not to talk about religion or politics. On the religion side it’s also best to keep your theological discussions for Sunday mornings or…
I’m Coming Out Of The Closet…Worship Wise That Is!
By Steve on May 30, 2014
I decided today to “come out of the closet” so to speak. No, its not what you are thinking. But it is about my orientation. My worship music orientation… It’s …well… …I just don’t like contemporary…
The Church Is Changing: Is The Day Of The “Paid Pastor” Over?
By Steve on May 13, 2014
I saw a video over at Tony Jones’ blog which should be chilling wake up call to anyone under 30 who wants to be a pastor or go into some form of professional ministry. Its…
Peter Rollins and “Holy Ghosts”
By Steve on April 25, 2014
In just a few hours I’ll be hopping on a plane for LONG flight from Hong Kong to London and then on to Belfast Northern Ireland. The reason? I’ll be attending Peter Rollin’s 4 day…
The “Cloud” Is Moving But Is The Church Ready To Move With It?
By Steve on April 23, 2014
In 22 years of marriage my wife Tammy and I have lived in 8 different locations. We have moved from Hong Kong, to Colorado, to China, and then back to Hong Kong. In the process…
Brian McLaren and Why Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Crossed The Road
By Steve on April 16, 2014
Within the Christian community the name Brian McLaren elicits either declarations of gratitude or cries of “heretic” depending on where one stands on a number of theological issues. The gratitude part tends to come from…
The Church Is Changing: Will Believers Start Bypassing Christianity to Follow Christ?
By Steve on April 1, 2014
Rachel Held Evans has been one of the “go to” blogs for commentary on the unfolding World Vision controversy. Today, in an article for CNN, Rachel argues that in their desire to win a culture…