Episode 102: Adversity, Authenticity, and Attitude with Jonathan Mellen
By Steve on November 26, 2019
Hi Pilgrim, Educator and Bible teacher Jonathan Mellen explains how adversity has shaped his attitude and approach to life. Along the way he shares his story of being a “missionary kid” whose Christian…
Rob Bell & “The Heretic”
By Steve on March 30, 2018
It was half way through the new Andrew Morgan documentary film The Heretic that I realised why many evangelical pastors and leaders often tend to wrent their garments and gnash their teeth when the name Rob Bell…
Episode 001: Broken Liturgy with John Hardt
By Steve on February 26, 2016
Theologian and musician John Hardt discusses life, liturgy, doubt, and inviting people into dark places A couple year’s ago I was in Belfast attending Peter Rollin’s Holy Ghosts event which was one of the coolest…
Some Podcasts You Should Check Out In 2016
By Steve on December 31, 2015
Confession, I’ve read a few less books this year. I’m usually a voracious reader of printed (well, Kindle) page but a new mistress has entered my life… …the podcast! True, for the last couple years…
Jerry Falwell Jr. Abandons Christianity For A Gun
By Steve on December 7, 2015
I’m trying to understand something, perhaps you can help me out… In 2011, when Pastor Rob Bell wrote his book Love Wins where he suggested that God’s love is so big that it was incompatible with…
American Jesus (March) Madness Predictions
By Steve on March 20, 2015
I’ve never been into March Madness. Call me a spoil sport but getting SO excited, not over a nation or even a city mind you, but schools? And schools I never attended? Do I really…
Rob Bell & 9 Things Evangelicals Should Never Do: A Response To R.C. Sproul
By Steve on February 22, 2015
Bloggers love Rob Bell and Mark Driscoll. Whenever either of them do anything whatsoever all we have to do is write a blog post commenting on their latest statement, decision, or action and sit back and…
Why I’m Not A Universalist: And How Rob Bell Helped Change My Focus from “Getting There” to “Staying Here”
By Steve on December 5, 2014
Rob Bell is always getting me in trouble! For every person who thanks me for introducing them to Rob’s books or teachings there is another who reminds me that he is a heretic leading people astray. Yesterday…
A Response to Kevin Miller’s Article on Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, and Donald Miller
By Steve on February 28, 2014
A friend sent me a Christianity Today article this week. In it author Kevin Miller takes a pot shot at three of the leading voices within, for lack of a better term, “progressive” Christianity; namely…
When the “Good News” Becomes “Good” Again!
By Steve on February 22, 2014
Two years ago I had a paradigm shift in my faith when I read Brian Zahnd’s Beauty Will Save The World. As I wrote then “I suddenly had my ‘spiritual mojo’ back!” In hindsight now…