Ghostbusters: or How Christians Should Behave With “Portable Nuclear Reactors” On Their Backs
By Steve on February 14, 2014
You remember Ghostbusters right? Three guys with portable nuclear reactor laser like weapons on their backs that they would use to blast the demons, ghosts, and goblins invading New York City. The one rule they lived by…
Top Ten Best Books: 2013
By Steve on December 27, 2013
I read a lot. In the pre-digital world I would have certainly struggled to remember every book I had read in a given year. Now though I need only scroll through my Amazon purchases of…
When Social Justice Isn’t Sexy: and how the Eucharist can help!
By Steve on May 22, 2013
A few years ago I was visiting friends in my hometown back in Michigan. A guy there I knew worked with the city newspaper and due to some contract disputes their union had been on…
What Does Rob Bell Talk About When He Talks About God: A Book Review
By Steve on April 5, 2013
Ok, I actually finished Rob Bell’s What We Talk About When We Talk About God a couple weeks ago but right when I was set to blog a review, he dropped the “affirming gay marriage”…
Rob Bell’s Comments on Marriage Equality: Some Thoughts…
By Steve on March 19, 2013
Rob Bell has done it again! I really thought one of my next posts would be a review of Bell’s new book, What Do We Talk About When We Talk About God which I am…
Rob Bell and Hell Pt. 2: Wrestling With God
By Steve on March 7, 2013
A couple posts back I wrote about an evening I had last week discussing Rob Bell’s debate on “hell” with Christian author Adrian Warrnock. That post generated more than my usual humble levels of traffic…
Rob Bell…And Hell!
By Steve on March 2, 2013
Last night a group of friends and acquaintances gathered together in Central Hong Kong. It was a Friday night, the work week was over, and so they came together to drink a little wine, eat…
My Year End Book Reviews: 2012
By Steve on December 31, 2012
Last year I did a year end book review and as I look at it I realize how much my reading tastes has changed in a year’s time. In 2011 not a single “Christian” book…
Book Review: Rob Bell and a New American Christianity
By Steve on November 27, 2012
Writing on the topic of Rob Bell always seems to bring out a lot of passion and opinion in people. After I did a review on Rob Bell’s book Love Wins, I guess I shouldn’t…
Time for Christians to Put Away their Swords
By Steve on November 6, 2012
Last week I wrote a post on the Lord’s Supper. When Rob Bell was asked what he would do differently if he started another church he quickly answered he would have the group take…