Church Planting: When Authenticity Becomes A Marketing Tool
By Steve on November 20, 2013
I landed in Boulder Colorado with my family in January 2000 to church plant in the city. Sure, we heard it was “tough ground” to start a church. Yes, we heard that the picturesque college…
Living Inside the City: It’s Not So Much About Heaven or Hell!
By Steve on September 6, 2013
In Revelation 21 & 22 there is a fantastic description of a “new Heaven”, a “new Earth” and even a “new Jerusalem”. The New Jerusalem is implied to be the physical manifestation of the church,…
Christianity Without Hooks: Why I Don’t Have “Non-Christian Friends”
By Steve on August 27, 2013
A while back I was in a Christian gathering where the speaker was announcing a series of upcoming evangelistic meetings that would be perfect to bring our “non-Christian friends” to. The speaker enthusiastically assured us…
“It Was No Effort, You Are My Son”
By Steve on August 13, 2013
There is a wonderfully touching scene at the end of the movie Star Trek IV:The Voyage Home (or as non aficionados may remember as ‘the one with the whales’) Mr. Spock has a moment…
Finding God at The Movies: Iron Man 3
By Steve on May 15, 2013
I love God…and movies. Not on the same scale mind you…but when they come together, boy…it sure is good! Over the years I have become pretty good at finding “the Kingdom of God” poking through different…
Finding Nemo…(and Adam)
By Steve on February 8, 2013
Having a two year old again means I get to watch all the Disney / Pixar movies again… …and again…and again… Toy Story and CARS have been Ethan George’s favorites to date but now there…
What Does It Really Mean To Be Saved? Part 5
By Steve on January 27, 2013
In this last post of the “salvation” series I want to take a quick look at perhaps the most famous, or arguably the most quoted, scripture in the Bible used in church circles when it…
What Does It Mean To Be Saved? Part 4
By Steve on January 23, 2013
When we say “Jesus Saves” what do we think of? God’s mercy? Love? Forgiveness? Unfortunately in the West the term has become a bit cliche and sadly often invokes images of wild eyed preachers on…
What Does It Mean To Be Saved? Part 3
By Steve on January 16, 2013
The Thief on the Cross In part 3 of this series on salvation I want to take a look at the interaction between Jesus and the thief that was crucified along side of him. One…
What Does It Mean To Be Saved? Part 2
By Steve on January 15, 2013
In part 1 of this series I looked at Jesus declaring salvation to Zacchaeus’ house after a meal at the chief tax collector’s house. In part 2 we’ll take a look at Jesus’ parable of…