The Hobby Lobby Decision Reveals “Progressive” Christians Can Be Just As Narrow Minded As Conservatives
By Steve on July 4, 2014
I’ve avoided discussing the Hobby Lobby controversy till now if for a couple different reasons. First, its a local American issue and half the Beyond the Pale readers are not from the U.S. But more importantly, because I could easily…
Christianity Without Hooks
By Steve on November 28, 2013
What if sharing Christianity came without hooks? What if “bait & switch” evangelistic tactics were scrapped all together? How does one introduce another to the Life Christ brings if we aren’t allowed to use a…
Christianity Without “Hooks”
By Steve on June 9, 2012
What if sharing Christianity came without hooks? What if “bait & switch” evangelistic tactics were scrapped all together? How does one introduce another to the Life Christ brings if we aren’t allowed to use a little well- intentioned manipulation occasionally?…