Rich Mullins: The Ragamuffin
By Steve on June 4, 2014
Twenty years ago I was speaking to a friend of mine who was well placed in the Nashville Christian music industry. She was not impressed with some of the big name “stars” of the time and…
Pope Francis & The Weapon of “Non-Violence”
By Steve on May 28, 2014
In case you missed it, Pope Francis is in the Middle-East and he’s currently leaving a trail of peace and restoration where ever he goes. (A welcome change for the region I’m sure) Making an…
Jesus Was Hated For Not Taking Care Of “His Own” First…And You Will Be Too!
By Steve on May 27, 2014
“Shouldn’t we be taking care of our own first?” Perhaps you’ve heard it before? Perhaps you’ve even said it? Its a well rehearsed mantra one hears whenever immigration, refugees, or asylum seekers are mentioned. At the…
Justice Conference Asia 2014 May 22-24
By Steve on May 19, 2014
Just a quick post to promote the Justice Conference Asia 2014 conference starting this Thursday evening at the Vine Church in Wan Chai. For those living in Hong Kong I highly recommend you try to…
Some More Thoughts on the World Vision Controversy
By Steve on March 29, 2014
A couple days ago I contributed to the deluge of opinion on the recent controversy surrounding World Vision with a satirical post of my own. Needless to say I received more than the usual amount…
Bono Leads Dublin Street Crowd in “Oh Come All Ye Faithful”
By Steve on December 29, 2013
How cool would it be if you were out walking the streets on Christmas Eve night with your family and discover that the guy busking songs is not just some local musician, but U2 frontman Bono? Yeah,…
“Piglets For Progress”: Bringing A Little Heaven To Earth
By Steve on October 26, 2013
Connie Mudore is a good friend of mine who I worked with here in Hong Kong before she left for Chiang Mai, Thailand a couple years ago. Since arriving in Thailand she has become involved…
When Social Justice Isn’t Sexy: and how the Eucharist can help!
By Steve on May 22, 2013
A few years ago I was visiting friends in my hometown back in Michigan. A guy there I knew worked with the city newspaper and due to some contract disputes their union had been on…
The Justice Conference Asia 2013: Some Reflections
By Steve on May 19, 2013
I don’t take notes at church. I’m one of those guys that would rather “absorb” than “scribble.” If a speaker says a quote or something else that strikes me I may quickly grab my ipad…