Social Issues? Consider Playing the “Humanity Card” Instead of the “God Card”
By Steve on January 21, 2014
In the spring of 2010 my wife Tammy and I got some unexpected, yet welcome, news. We were going to have a baby! I shouldn’t say though it was totally unexpected. A year previously we…
Grace, a Guitar, and Gabriel
By Steve on December 31, 2013
Two years ago my teenage son Gabriel wanted a guitar for Christmas. I thought, “Yeah, that will be used for a couple weeks and then sit in his room as a museum piece.” (I’m pretty…
What God Does When He Finds What He Lost
By Steve on October 22, 2013
I remember once when my son Gabriel was about 4 years old we were in the supermarket together. Distracted with some shopping I turned for a moment to discover my boy was not there. Any…
Finding Home: Why Christians Forget Their Ruby Slippers
By Steve on September 18, 2013
When I was a kid The Wizard of Oz was shown on TV once a year. Young people under 25 may do a spit take at the idea, but before video tapes and DVD, there…
A Child of God: Let That Shape Who You Are
By Steve on September 12, 2013
Millions of people from around the globe spent their summer months this year on “Baby Watch”. You see, a very special child was about to be born! Although some scoffed, many, many more waited in anticipation,…
Want To Go Deeper With God? You Really Don’t Have To!
By Steve on August 30, 2013
Have you ever: * felt the need to “go deeper” in your relationship with God? * felt like your Christian walk has stalled and you desire to go “to the next level”? * felt a…
More Thoughts on John Piper, God, And “Dexter”
By Steve on August 22, 2013
Does pastor and theologian John Piper worship a different God than the one I do? That was the question I unpacked a couple posts back when I suggested that, based on some comments made by…
John Piper’s God Looks More Like “Dexter” than Jesus
By Steve on August 14, 2013
After reading my post yesterday on the great lengths God will go to for his children my brother Andy commented: I just did a post about a John Piper video that is making a resurgence on the…
“It Was No Effort, You Are My Son”
By Steve on August 13, 2013
There is a wonderfully touching scene at the end of the movie Star Trek IV:The Voyage Home (or as non aficionados may remember as ‘the one with the whales’) Mr. Spock has a moment…
“Because You Love Me”
By Steve on July 10, 2013
When my teenage son Gabriel was younger we had a little ritual interaction between us. I would often buy a toy for him or make some other nice gesture. As I gave the gift to…