5 Reasons People Didn’t Like My 5 Reasons “Sinners” Were Entering The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians
By Steve on August 4, 2015
My previous post 5 Reasons Sinners Enter The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians generated more than the usual feedback. Many found it “sobering”, “so true”, and “I Love this”. Never the less others were…
Monster God or Monster Man? Michael Brown & Brian Zahnd Debate The Cross
By Steve on March 3, 2015
If you grew up in a Western style evangelical or charismatic church circles you probably view how Christ took away our sins on the cross in a certain way. That God required a payment, a…
The Divine Magician: or How To Make Real Life Appear By Smashing The “Sacred Object”
By Steve on February 10, 2015
In grad school I took a class once called The Politics of Ideas. On the first day the professor warned us that each class period he would take us all into the metaphorical abyss where we would…
Would The Apostle Paul Have Lunch With A “Gay” Pastor?
By Steve on January 8, 2015
I had a very interesting question e-mailed to me this week: “Steve, in light of 1 Corinthians 5: 8-12 do you think Paul the Apostle would break bread (have a meal and fellowship) with…
Why I’m Not A Universalist: And How Rob Bell Helped Change My Focus from “Getting There” to “Staying Here”
By Steve on December 5, 2014
Rob Bell is always getting me in trouble! For every person who thanks me for introducing them to Rob’s books or teachings there is another who reminds me that he is a heretic leading people astray. Yesterday…
Forget “Left Behind”: Jesus Breaks the Cycle of Power and Violence
By Steve on October 8, 2014
When Jesus walked the earth he tended to make a lot of people around him angry and frustrated. That’s because the Jewish people were looking for a new leader. Someone who would rise up with God…
3 Things To Consider Before Inviting Your Friend To See Left Behind
By Steve on September 16, 2014
In a couple weeks time the Left Behind movie will open in cinemas around the world. As someone who got “onboard” the Left Behind evangelistic bandwagon 14 years ago when the original version with Kirk Cameron came…
Biblical Inerrancy Part 1: The Scriptures Are God Breathed…But So Are You!
By Steve on August 8, 2014
“Do you believe the the Bible is inerrant?” a person asked me recently. “Wow,” I thought, “that’s a tough one.” Authoritative? Yes God inspired? Yes The “word of God” (small w) that reveals “the Word of…
5 Theological Topics Making (Some) Christians Very Nervous
By Steve on June 11, 2014
It’s a general rule of thumb that in mixed company it’s best not to talk about religion or politics. On the religion side it’s also best to keep your theological discussions for Sunday mornings or…
Weekend Distractions: First “Left Behind” trailer with Nicholas Cage
By Steve on May 31, 2014
A year ago when an announcement that the “Christian” apocalyptic thriller Left Behind was to be rebooted, a collective groan echoed through a large segment of the Christian community. For many of us who are trying…