“Holy Ghosts” With Peter Rollins Pt. 2
By Steve on May 8, 2014
Well, after a week in Belfast I’m still processing the time there with Pete Rollins and Holy Ghosts. What was it like you ask? As I put it in a Facebook update: Film makers, theologians, artists, philosophers,…
Prominent Pentecostal Pastor’s Conversion to Catholicism Has Wider Implications for Evangelicals
By Steve on March 14, 2014
A common story heard around evangelical / charismatic circles in the ’70s and ’80s went something like, “I grew up Catholic but then I got ‘born-again’ when I was at college” or “I was raised…
When the “Good News” Becomes “Good” Again!
By Steve on February 22, 2014
Two years ago I had a paradigm shift in my faith when I read Brian Zahnd’s Beauty Will Save The World. As I wrote then “I suddenly had my ‘spiritual mojo’ back!” In hindsight now…
Ghostbusters: or How Christians Should Behave With “Portable Nuclear Reactors” On Their Backs
By Steve on February 14, 2014
You remember Ghostbusters right? Three guys with portable nuclear reactor laser like weapons on their backs that they would use to blast the demons, ghosts, and goblins invading New York City. The one rule they lived by…
The Ken Ham – Bill Nye Debate: What Happens When You Bring A Bible To A Science Fight
By Steve on February 6, 2014
Last night the highly publicized debate pitting evolution defending Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and Creationist defending Ken Ham took place on Ham’s home turf at the Creation Museum in Kentucky. It was entertaining, informative,…
Old Testament God Vs. New Testament God: Jesus Clears the Confusion
By Steve on January 14, 2014
For centuries Christians have been trying to reconcile the discrepancies in God’s nature we often see between the Old Testament and the New. In some cases the character changes seem so stark in contrast that a…
If Jesus Is The Word Where Does That Leave The Bible?
By Steve on January 3, 2014
The Apostle John had a gift for describing what we may call in the 21st century “the Big Picture.” Rather than start his account of Christ’s life with a genealogy (Matthew) or with a historical…
10 Cool Things About Being An American Christian (But Not Living In America)
By Steve on November 22, 2013
Ah, politics and religion! The age old discussion topics everyone is warned to stay clear of lest an argument result. The online world is rife with it though and most of it is pretty inane. …
Mick Mooney’s “Snap” Reveals A Pastor’s Breaking Point
By Steve on November 12, 2013
Ok, full confession. As a Christian of nearly 40 years who has been a missionary, an elder, an Associate Pastor, and a Senior Pastor I was very familiar with every main character in Mick Mooney’s…
More Thoughts on John Piper, God, And “Dexter”
By Steve on August 22, 2013
Does pastor and theologian John Piper worship a different God than the one I do? That was the question I unpacked a couple posts back when I suggested that, based on some comments made by…