5 Reasons People Didn’t Like My 5 Reasons “Sinners” Were Entering The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians
By Steve on August 4, 2015
My previous post 5 Reasons Sinners Enter The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians generated more than the usual feedback. Many found it “sobering”, “so true”, and “I Love this”. Never the less others were…
5 Reasons “Sinners” Enter The Kingdom Of God Ahead Of Christians
By Steve on July 31, 2015
Jesus knew how to tick off religious folk. Imagine for a moment going into a modern day Christian conference. You know, one of those shiny camp meetings advertised in a flashy Christian magazine or the…
5 Reasons Jesus Was Rejected…And Why We Would Reject Him Again
By Steve on March 5, 2015
I think as Christians we often look back at the rejection of Jesus by the religious rulers and people of the time and shake our heads in disbelief. How could they have done that? Were they…
Rob Bell & 9 Things Evangelicals Should Never Do: A Response To R.C. Sproul
By Steve on February 22, 2015
Bloggers love Rob Bell and Mark Driscoll. Whenever either of them do anything whatsoever all we have to do is write a blog post commenting on their latest statement, decision, or action and sit back and…
4 Qualities of David That Made God “Smile” or How to “Get” God!
By Steve on January 22, 2015
David, the shepherd boy who became king is talked a lot about in the Bible. Fact is many people don’t realize he’s actually mentioned more than Jesus. I mean hey, there were lots of…
Top 5 Posts of 2014
By Steve on December 29, 2014
Well another year of blogging is winding down and I can hardly believe I’ve managed to keep Beyond the Pale going for more than six years now. Over 525 posts! People often say to me “Where…
Interstellar: My Top 5 Movies That Explore Wonder, Awe, Mystery…and Science
By Steve on November 14, 2014
After much anticipation, speculation, and yes even salivation, Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar premiered last week. The film is Nolan’s brave attempt to mimic Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and create a “hard science” film that also…
My Top 10 Favorite Robin Williams Films…And Why I’ll Miss Him
By Steve on August 13, 2014
Robin Williams has died! It’s not uncommon to wake up in the morning to discover that a famous celebrity passed away. Often the discovery is followed by a “what a shame” before heading out the…
4 Reasons Why The “If 7:14” Prayer And Revival Campaign Is Not Such A Good Idea
By Steve on July 17, 2014
This week there was a major prayer and revival campaign in the United States called “If 7:14” In fact Iowa governor Terry Branstad even signed a proclamation calling on the nation to pray on Monday…
9 Warning Signs Your Pastor May Be Building His Own Kingdom
By Steve on July 11, 2014
Control! People like to be controlled! People want to be controlled! In a recent post I raised the question of why Christians would allow themselves to be abused in church systems that wreak havoc in their lives and…