Weekend Update: “Sherlock the Musical”?
By Steve on February 7, 2014
This week’s Weekend Update I wanted to share something that just puts a smile on my face. It’s a mash up of two of my favorite things; the BBC show Sherlock and musical show tunes. …
Weekend Update: “Happy” in Hong Kong
By Steve on January 20, 2014
This week’s off topic “Weekend Update” is a great video clip that has been shared by a number of friends here in Hong Kong. It’s a cover of the popular Pharrell Williams song and video,…
Week End Update: My Top 10 TV Shows
By Steve on January 11, 2014
This week the family and I have really been enjoying the new season, or series as they call it in the U.K., of Sherlock; the modern take on the famed sleuth starring Benedict Cumberbatch. The new…
Weekend Update: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Episode
By Steve on November 23, 2013
Ok, a little off topic to give a Weekend Update shout out to Doctor Who which will air its 50th anniversary special episode this evening in 94 countries simultaneously at 19:50 GMT. Yes, that means…
Weekend Update: Superman: The Man of Steel Review
By Steve on July 6, 2013
Ok, full disclosure. I am a big Superman fan. I mean let’s face it, in the pantheon of superheroes, Superman stands head and shoulders above the rest. While some may prefer Batman to Superman, this is…
Weekend Update: Star Trek, Jeffrey Archer, NPR
By Steve on May 27, 2013
Haven’t done a Weekend Update in a while. Weekend Update is my excuse to go off topic and write on things that are completely unrelated to the normal themes covered at Beyond the Pale. This Update…
Weekend Update: Oscar Special 2013
By Steve on February 24, 2013
It’s Oscar Sunday again and as a movie aficionado I can’t help but weigh in (as I do every year) on my Oscar predictions. Best Picture: Argo – It’s going to be a toss-up between…
Weekend Update: Star Wars, Hong Hong, and a Rude Pastor
By Steve on February 4, 2013
Its the (Superbowl) weekend…which means its time to check out some other interesting things in the news. Geek Update Star Wars VII to be directed by JJ Abrams The last 3 Star Wars movies were…
Weekend Update: Star Trek, Hong Kong vs. Taiwan, and Lance Armstrong
By Steve on January 20, 2013
It’s the weekend so time to go off topic with a little news you can use! New Star Trek movie screened for dying patient A rough cut of the new Star Trek movie…
Weekend Update: Hobbits, Russians, and Obama
By Steve on January 14, 2013
It’s the weekend which means I’m allowed to go a little off topic on events which I find a bit interesting: Gerard Depardieu becomes Russian Everyone’s favorite Frenchman isn’t French anymore! Yes, this week Gerard…