
The Gospel According To Jon Stewart


It’s been a busy couple weeks at work so last night I finally sat down on the couch and watched the last episode of Jon Stewart on The Daily Show.  In his 16 years on the show Stewart took the comedy/parody news show occupying a cheap seat in the basic cable nether-sphere and turned it into a cultural phenomenon that a large portion of Americans (and the world for that matter) went to for honest news.

Loosely translated, in a world plagued with bulls^*t, Jon Stewart was the cure!

So it was a sad day when Stewart signed off, but he was not able to get away before his friend Stephen Colbert gave him a tribute that brought him to tears.

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Shouldn’t that be what Christians are known for?  Not simply trying to get people to confess a certain creed or belief… but known for a faith that transforms, restores,and equips people around us to be the best God made them to be?

Not just a life…but life to it’s fullest? (John 10:10)

In his 16 years on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart championed the poor, the discriminated against, and the marginalized while speaking out against hypocrisy, corrupt power, and greed.

Sounds a lot like a carpenter from Galilee I know…

…and shouldn’t we all have a legacy like that one day?



