The LOST finale episode redux
I recently re watched the finale episode of the T.V. series LOST. It’s been two years now since the show wrapped and I remember there was a real polarization between those that thought it it was a grand, and daring ending and those that felt “cheated” at having invested 6 seasons into a show that really did require a lot of emotional investment and then fail to answer what they considered key questions.
I am part of the first group obviously. I loved the show then and now realize that it actually gets better with time. Ok, spoiler alert, the rest of this post deals with the episode itself so if you don’t want to know what happens…stop reading now.
The last episode has two different storylines being played out simultaneously. The first storyline is dealing with the castaways final battle on the Island that has been their home for 6 seasons against the “Man in Black”. The second storyline is in modern L.A. and has the castaways in everyday lives connecting to each other and “remembering” their time on the Island. The castaways are drawn to a church where the lead character Jack, meets his deceased father, Christian. Its at the church that Jack “remembers” his time on the Island and in an emotional scene discovers that he, like all of his friends, are dead. Some, he learns, before him some long after him.
Jack and his father then move into the main church sanctuary and into a celebration of closest and dearest friends greeting and hugging one another. It is at this point that the the story resonates with my heart as a Christian. I am one of these people that long “to go home”. I want to be where God is and in this scene I felt just a glimpse of eternity. I love the joy of everyone’s faces in the church scene. After so much pain and misery they experienced in their lives and on “the Island”, all of that is behind them now. There is no more weeping. As Jesus promises, “I will wipe away all of their tears.”
Because he is now in eternity everything seems to be happening at the same time…which I think has been one of the best representations of eternity shown on TV. The bible often alludes to our already being seated with God in heavenly places. That I am both living out a life in a linear mortal timeline on earth yet at the same time I am celebrating in heaven.
The episode ends as Jack “dies” and at the same moment Jack’s father Christian (yes, Christian Shepherd) opens the main doors of the church letting in a heavenly light. For me, it was a highly emotional moment and puts everything into perspective. One day I too shall die, but I know, I am already greeting family, friends, and my Lord in eternity.
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Yes, truly one of my favorite conclusions to a series; mostly because of its hopeful and redemptive message.
I put even money that I may merely wink out of existence in the not too distant future – like the replicant portrayed by Rutger Hauer (sp?) I consider that a somewhat sad thing, but like him, it has made me see my present moments as much more precious than I ever have before.
But if we do go on, I believe it will be very much like the scene here… there will be no more sorrow and no more regret, like with Ben, all will be made right.
For me, as Paul indicates, death has lost its sting… there is nothing to fear.
I nearly included the clip between Ben & Locke. One of the most beautiful scenes of redemption and forgiveness.
Its interesting that Revelation talks about “the healing of the nations” still being a process in heaven. This really reflects Ben as he had come a long way, but still needed some ongoing healing. I think I’ll save that for another post
Yes, I always found that scripture in Revelations to be a much more likely case of eternity than the “sorry, you chose poorly” once and done reality presented in most popular theology. It just lines up with more of the better notions of scripture. And Ben’s awareness, I think is an accurate picture of how awareness will come.
In the play I was in recently, my “father” is regretting the consequences the actions of his youth brought about for others. He says “How was I to know… how are we ever to know…”