This Test MUST be wrong!!
My Political Views
I am a center-left moderate social authoritarian
Left: 2.39, Authoritarian: 1.1
Political Spectrum Quiz
Noooooooooo! I just took one of those “Where are you Politically” tests and I was shocked!. I always consider myself right of center but according to the 30-40 questions I answered…I’m…I’m a liberal!
Say it ain’t so Joe!
My Culture War Stance
Score: 3.25
Political Spectrum Quiz
As expected, I came out right of center on cultural issues like homosexual marriage and abortion. I think what put me on the left (at least according to the test) was some of my positions that ultimately come through my Christian filter on economic matters. I feel very strongly about individual responsibility and often that is where my Republican brothers like to stop on the issues.
My Foreign Policy Views
Score: -0.06
Political Spectrum Quiz
However I also have the commands of Christ to look out for the disadvantaged members of society. Of course how we do that is open to endless debate but I do think it changed some of the test’s answers for me that a few years ago would have been a little different.
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Cool site! I just took the quiz and was centrist, but strong libertarian. No surprise there, heh.
I KNEW you were really a liberal!