
What If We Were All Just 5% “More Like Jesus”? A Little Thought Experiment

Jesus3What if everyone on Earth was just a little more like Jesus?  That was the suggestion Bono made in an interview I posted last week.  In the piece be states:

If only we could be more like him (Jesus), the world would be transformed. – Bono

So I started playing a “what if” game with my wife Tammy as I mused on that question for a moment.  How much more like Jesus would people on the Earth have to be in order to transform the world?  What would the percentage need to be to see that happen?

90% more like Jesus?

75% more like Jesus?

50% more like Jesus?

And yes, I understand the theological reality that when the Father sees us, he already sees us through Christ and His completed work.


Just as a thought experiment.

What if the “more like Jesus” could be quantified into a percentage that would manifest itself in everyone’s outward actions, thoughts, and motivations.

If this was a science fiction movie and I was in a lab with console sporting a large dial; and by turning that dial I could affect how much “more like Jesus” I could instantly make everyone, what percentage would I have to turn the dial to transform our world?

50% more like Jesus?

30% more like Jesus?

10% more like Jesus?

As Tammy and I discussed it we thought about 5%…just 5 %!

What if:

Every drug lord was 5% more like Jesus

Every politician were 5% more like Jesus

Every sex and labor trafficker were 5% more like Jesus

Every boss in the work place were 5% more like Jesus

Every store clerk were 5% more like Jesus

and heck…

What if every pastor and church leader were 5% more like Jesus?

Just 5%

The world would be almost unrecognizably transformed.

Just 5% more like Jesus.

I believe we are closer than we think to seeing a world transformed through the work of Christ.  Lets continue to live it out by keeping our focus on Jesus!

If only we could be a bit more like Him, the world would be transformed. – See more at: http://www.stevehackman.net/bono-answers-why-jesus/#sthash.w3cfybHF.dpuf
If only we could be a bit more like Him, the world would be transformed. – See more at: http://www.stevehackman.net/bono-answers-why-jesus/#sthash.w3cfybHF.dpuf


  • I really really like this post.

  • Sandy Lauf

    Fantastic thoughts on this early Friday morning in Africa. Just what I need for inspiration as I prepare for a new year of teaching in Burma, in August.

  • Sherry

    What if I were 5% more like Jesus? Thanks Steve for challenging us all to live into the faith we profess.

  • Steve

    Thanks Sue, Sandy, and Sherry! I love that it was a blessing to you!

  • Connie Mudore

    I think in most cases that’s how it works. Each of us becomes incrementally more or less like Jesus as we live our lives. The idea of all of us becoming more like Jesus simultaneously, whether we even consciously knew that was happening or not– because at some point there would be a kind of spiritual tipping point–is a wonderful thought experiment.

    Also becoming 5% more like Jesus sounds manageable. Doable. Today, I’ll try being 5% more like Jesus. I wonder what opportunities for my continued conversion that will bring? 🙂

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